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Apa yang best utk 'layan time study"

Tension tgh study mesti lar kita nak something yang 'funny' yang wat kita hilang tension kan..

Ni antara video suggestion yang anda kene tgk time bosan2 study ni..

1. HANG TUAH FAIL SPM... - this was funny.. the reaction of hang tuah juz make me laugh for a long time...

2. TELUR TU TELUR TU DA DA DA.. - actually i kind of "layan" diz song because of my thermal 2 final.. im always imagine my lecturer, if he is the one in this video.. actually he is punjab guy..but he is COOL...

3. Zee avi video song - layan lepas exam.. nice song..

Kalo lagu study pula...

1. through my window - lagu yang paling best dari bunkface selpas situasi.. semakin suka band ni..

2. Collection of zee avi.. - of coz... she had gold in her voice..

3. Collection of Salleh yaacob - aku mmg xley lari dari lagu salih yaacob.. lagu yang banyak mengajar moral and all was a very good song..(aku minat lagu dia sejak dari kecik)

4. Nasyid n Ayat Al-quran.. - ni semestinya perlu dilayan.. semasa study dan selepas study.

Akhirnya habis juga final sem 5.. Semoga maju jaya kawan kawan...